Monday, November 27, 2006

Corporate vs Personal Donations

I don’t understand why a company would or should make a political donation. Companies do not have political opinions. They cannot vote. The only reasons they exist is to improve their economic opportunities and therefore their value to their owners and shareholders.

What would happen if we removed “political action committees” from the customer lists of any organization be it Union or Corporate? Donations would have to be made (and recorded as coming from) individuals. People could vote with their money all they wanted to but it would have to be a public vote, not a secret, indirect, backroom vote.

It is the aggregation of money that makes it caustic. A donation from the AFL-CIO or NRA or AARP is not a reflection of lots of individuals taking initiative but the abdication of initiative through some willful grouping that removes any connection to a person. Coming together as a group is fine but let's remove the anonymity from the actions. Let's make visible and real a persons commitment to a cause.


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