Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Sin of the Medicaid Muddle

I have only one question about the Medicaid prescription drug plan, why is there any sign up at all? And why is there a different price for the same drug depending on who you sign up with?

We have a huge population of seniors who have earned their peace, why must it be confusing and frightening for them just when they should be able to relax? They raised us, built our cars, taught our classes, fought for our freedom. They are grandparents to a generation whose future is a whole lot less secure then the one given to us boomers. And now we put them through this insanity in the name of providing them a benefit. There should nothing to pick. They all deserve the same treatment, equal access to quality medication at a fair price.

We have a vast drug industry that is surrounded by a dispensing infrastructure that has lost its way. No longer is the goal to heal, cure and improve. Now the goal is to sell, profit and place. Blockbusters deal with fictional problems that are given a name just so the commercials can pounce on them and encourage you to talk to you doctor about ED and RLS. And we still haven't cure malaria or hunger.

We need to get back to principles where most people benefit and there is a general goal to improve the lot of the majority. We need to stop rewarding greed and be responsible to others for our actions. If a company pays its CEO too much, stop buying their products. Look for companies that have a social and environmentally aware dimension. Go for a walk in the rain rather then drive.


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